hector guimard
hector guimard

描述.AbeautifullyillustratedretrospectiveofArtNouveauarchitectanddesignerHectorGuimard,positioninghimattheforefrontofthemodernist ...,HectorGuimardwasaFrencharchitectanddesigner,andaprominentfigureoftheArtNouveaustyle.Heachievedearlyfamewithhisde...

Hector Guimard Architecture, Bio, Ideas

Guimarddesignedandbuiltschools,funerarymonuments,apartmenthouses,townhouses,vacationhomesandcountryvillas,aconcerthall,train ...

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Hector Guimard: Art Nouveau to Modernism

描述. A beautifully illustrated retrospective of Art Nouveau architect and designer Hector Guimard, positioning him at the forefront of the modernist ...

Hector Guimard

Hector Guimard was a French architect and designer, and a prominent figure of the Art Nouveau style. He achieved early fame with his design for the Castel ... Early life and education · The Guimard Style · Chronology of notable buildings

[ 設計筆記. Art . 藝術風格] - Art Nouveau - 六人集團

《 六人集團》 六人集團( les six ) 成立於1898年是由六名設計家組成的設計團體這六個人分別是:赫克托.吉馬德(Hector Guimard)亞歷山大.察平特(Alexandr.

Hector Guimard

曾經是新藝術風格中法國建築師、家具設計師、裝飾藝術家。 1867出生於巴黎倫敦,在1882年進入巴黎裝飾藝術 ...

Hector Guimard | Art Nouveau, Paris Metro & Cast Iron

6 天前 · Hector Guimard was an architect, decorator, and furniture designer, probably the best-known French representative of Art Nouveau.

Hector Guimard

Hector Guimard was a Socialist, and an activist for political and social change. Guimard's quest for social justice inspired his designs for a series of rural ...

Hector Guimard(@hectorguimard)• Instagram 相片與影片

3900 位粉絲、 426 人追蹤中、 296 則貼文- Instagram 上的Hector Guimard (@hectorguimard):「 Architecte et designer - 1867-1942. // Compte animé par Le Cercle ...

Hector Guimard

Introduction: Hector Guimard was a French architect and designer, and a prominent figure of the Art Nouveau style. He achieved early fame with his design ...

Hector Guimard Architecture, Bio, Ideas

Guimard designed and built schools, funerary monuments, apartment houses, town houses, vacation homes and country villas, a concert hall, train ...


艾克特·吉瑪(法語:Hector Guimard,法語發音:[ɛktɔʁ ɡimaʁ];—1942年5月20日)是法國里昂出身的建築師,新藝術的代表者之一。較知名的作品是巴黎地下 ...


描述.AbeautifullyillustratedretrospectiveofArtNouveauarchitectanddesignerHectorGuimard,positioninghimattheforefrontofthemodernist ...,HectorGuimardwasaFrencharchitectanddesigner,andaprominentfigureoftheArtNouveaustyle.HeachievedearlyfamewithhisdesignfortheCastel ...Earlylifeandeducation·TheGuimardStyle·Chronologyofnotablebuildings,《六人集團》六人集團(lessix)成立於1898年是由六名設計家組成的設...